Hintergrund hellblau

Our network

We are not alone in our efforts to promote communication and education on animal experiments and on the 3Rs in research. The Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany, for example, leads the project “Tierversuche verstehen” (Understanding Animal Research), which also aims to promote a more objective discussion about the reasons behind, benefits of, and alternatives to animal research. Aimed at the general public and the media, the initiative connects news organizations and other interested groups with experts, facilitates dialogue and discussion, and provides a wide array of informative material via its website. The Max Delbrück Center contributes to this work as an institution of the Helmholtz Association, which is a member of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany.

The Max Delbrück Center is also a member of the European Animal Research Association (EARA), which is committed to better informing the public about animal research. Other member organizations in Germany include the Max Planck Society.

In Berlin we also have many partners who share our goals: